session_start(); include('db.php'); if (isset($_POST['fp'])) { if(empty($_POST['fname']) || empty($_POST['school']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['a_school']) || empty($_POST['pc_school'])) { $msg = "
Please complete all fields and try again.
"; } else { $message = "Password required for: ".$_POST[fname]."\n Email: ".$_POST[email]."\n School: ".$_POST[school]."\n School Address: ".$_POST[a_school]."\n School Postcode: ".$_POST[pc_school]; $subject = "This is my body - forgotten password"; $from = "From:"; mail("", $subject, $message, $from); $msg = "Your password will be sent to you shortly.
"; } } ?>This is my body is a wonderful approach to teaching sex
and relationships education. It affirms the central role of
parents and the primacy of life. I am delighted that every
Catholic primary school in the Diocese of Lancaster will
be using this programme.
Bishop Patrick O’Donoghue
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